jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

A game called: “Sketch"



Opening the trunk of memories, I can tell us that I was lucky of got a large family. I have twelve cousins, 7 men and 5 women. We visited a grandma’ house and here we enjoyed of summer evenings. My favourite game was the “Sketch”. I learnt it around of 6 - 8 years old, I don’t remember so well. I never understood why it was called thus until now.



This game can play between 4 until 16 people; it’s dependent of the place to use. It’s based in 1 person/2 people called “quemados” and they have a ball in his/their hands and this ball is launch to other players for marking off and the player “spotted” must take the place of his friend quemado. The other players are keeping in saved in circles drawn in the ground with a common location called “base”. The player to have run between all the spotted zones called “Sketch” for to avoid being “quemados”.  The player win the game when can complete three times a circuit without being marked.
I enjoyed very much this game because I could to do physical activity, it is an outdoor game and I could to share with my family and to laugh so much.

I last played this game in 2002, due to the fact that everyone has already grown.

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