jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

The national parks visited for me

I think that everybody must to fun his or her holidays. The summer mounts; the better for me is visit different locations in my dear 

I have gone to various National Parks. These are places of great natural beauty and it can to engage the senses.

I can name eg. like as Seven Cups Radal National Park. It is located in deepness of mountains and its main attraction is a waterfall where the river fall in cups sculpted by time, filling one a one.

"Laguna Arcoiris" - National Park Conguillio
In the southern, I visited The National Park Conguillio. It has a volcano called Llaima what is active each ten years and it has lush vegetation. 
The icon tree is the Araucaria here, a millenary tree what live from age of dinosaurs. In addition,produce a nut called “Piñón”, the food of mapuche people.

The Fray Jorge National Park is located in the Limari province and it’s characterized for its matinee fogs in hills.

Other parks of my preference: The Moon Valley located in the core Atacama Desert. This place is an arid landscape and no apparent life, with large mountain colorized at the evening, resemble to the moon for craters and rocky soil.

National Park of Chiloé
Besides I go on a visited The Gig Island of Chiloé, a magic insular covered in a unique flora and fauna of its kind. This island is attractive due to its own traditions and customs, all cover-up of legend of the area.

I will visit going to Paine Tower N.P. and Easter Island in a nearer future.

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