jueves, 26 de junio de 2014

My Blog Experience

To start this semester I had no idea that gmail can the option for make and write blogs and it’s a little embarrassing for me. Finally I can say that it was an enriching experience. 

Whether or not you enjoyed writing on the blog?

I think the act of writing blogs in english allowed me, to use own knowledge of the english language to put into practice what you already know the this language. 

What you liked about writing on the blog?

What I like about blogging is that it allows me to open my mind to memories, ideas, tastes, experiences, etc. and it’s a good way to express everything that I have inside. 

What you dislike about writing on the blog?

I think what I dislike writing blog is even I don’t have a much abilities for achieve all the functions of blog by my likes. 

What subjects did you enjoy writing about?

I believe that in topics I liked most was to write things related to my family, because as they live in other cities, it’s good to remember and feel they are an important part of my life even at a distance. 

What subject you dislike writing about?

All subjects were of my taste

Whether you think your English improved and in what ways?

I think my English improved because I put in practice what I know, but I need to identify which are the most common and frequent mistakes. I feel also I must improve my "Speaking" and “Listening”. I believe that I'm weak in these areas.

My sister :)

Hi bloggers! Today I tell you about my sister

Her name is Constanza, she is 19 years old and lives in Illapel. She studies at ULS.

She is taller than me, she has white skin and golden brown hair.

My sister and I are five years apart. Since we were kids we had very good relationship, but we walked away from my family when I entering high school, so my sister let me see to me when she was 9 years old.

We made a lot of nonsense, as good as we played and we fought fellow. My sister has a strong character like my mother. 

My sister  was always a good student in the school, she had excellent marks. She eventually discovered that he has a highly developed humanistic side, what motivated her to study at ULS "Ing Administración de Empresas". She lives with her cousins ​​in a house near the center city of  La Serena. 

My sister has skills with drawing and manual arts like me. She enjoys reading mainly on police matters and mysteries. 

When she was 16 her boyfriend got pregnant. She finished her studies and pregnant until today she has given the best to your son as a young mother. While she's studying in La Serena, she  travels every weekend to see his son.

My sister and my nephew :)

27 F

Hi bloggers! I'll talk about 27F. This date was an experience that marked us inside everyone.

In my case, I was vacationing in Radal, Seven Cups, Region VII. I had gone to visit The Radal National Park before of this fact. I had returned to my home the days before (25/F) and I was lucky due to it.

My family is originally from Illapel, IV region. When the earthquake occurred, I was sleeping at that moment my sister and me share at same bedroom. I felt waves and I sat in my bed, my sister too. Nobody in my house is afraid of earthquakes. My mom doesn’t afraid to quake and sister and I had an experience of an earthquake that affected us in the street, away from the house when we were little. After that, we lost the fear of earthquakes.

That night my sister and I looked out the window and we saw that was not a very strong earthquake, just left in the dark with a power outage.

The next morning we had no news until 3 p.m. returning electricity and we check the strong of earthquake.
Almost all my family lives between Region II, III and IV, therefore nobody of my family were affected. But at that time I had a girlfriend, and she had gone to visit his family in Lebu, Region VIII, and my big surprise was when I saw the news on TV about the epicentre was there.

I tried going to Lebu but all transport was blocked from my town and I could do nothing. I tried calling a lot of times. I had heard from her 3 days after the 27F. She explained to me that she and her family were fine but that his grandmother was in Concepcion and they had to travel because she was alone and her house was destroyed.  Fortunately she was fine, she just suffered few thefts.

Definitely this earthquake remain in the memory colective

"27F Memorial" in honor to the victims.


Dear Blogger !!! Today talk you about a country would like to visit in the next time. I speak about of Italy.

One of the countries that I’d like visit is Italy. This country is in the southern part of Europe and is bathed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Italy is the particular shape of a boot that makes it distinct from other countries.

This country for some reason that I don’t know very well, has caught my attention. For me it is interesting language, customs, typical meals and especially his landscapes, such as Sicily. I would visit this country because I find it has a rich culture that has remained over time, being protagonist of important events in history like the Roman Empire, the rise of the Vatican and the Second World War.

I think it is a tourist country and I would visit places that have always caught my attention such as: The Coliseum, The Sistine Chapel, The Saint Peter's Basilica, The Trevi Fountain, and off course, the famous Pizza Tower.

One of the things that fascinated me make it taste the famous Italian cheeses, which are as well known globally.

I think this country is a place to enjoy holiday seasons.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

If I visit London City

If I could visit London, it would be an unforgettable experience for me, because I have heard about London is a touristic city. I will travel with my friends group due to with them I had visited many places.

I will visit wonderful places like as famous Big Ben, an icon of Britannic culture. I will visit The Buckingham Palace too, home of The Queen Isabel II. Other interest places for me are The Tower of London and Natural History Museum.

One particular construction own of London, worthy of picture is The London Eye, major feature of London's skyline. I believe that it produce electric energy, I don’t know, I always see it like a giant roulette with blades. I should to visit this place for know better it.

Furthermore, I will take photos of Madame Tussauds Museum, the wax museum biggest of the world. It place is much visited every day because here is represented famous celebrities, Hollywood’s stars, music artists, included comics characters. It can be a great experience due to there isn’t other similar place.

Also, I enjoy the britannic typical food into London, and of course, their drinks. It because I will want tastes these plates containing mix custom, flavour and food own of the island.


jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Awake & Alive- Skillet

J  Hi everybody!!! I want share with you this song, titled “Awake & Alive” from band “Skillet”. This music style belongs to Christian rock and It was released on February 15, 2010 to Christian Hard Rock and Rock Radio.

Disk: Awake
I heard this song the first time in 2012, looking for video clips in YouTube and I felt an identification without know in first instance its meaning.
In that moment I felt exceeded stress of university daily life, due to it is a powerful and energetic song.
I like this song because to this song talks about of break free and give up about a competitive stressful world. Also it does remind about of my freedom and it hand over the motivation of live.
This song like because drum into my head the incentive motivation for to make the different activities in my daily life in spite of I can be stressed. It belongs to me give up anything negative that the environment can hurt to me.

The national parks visited for me

I think that everybody must to fun his or her holidays. The summer mounts; the better for me is visit different locations in my dear 

I have gone to various National Parks. These are places of great natural beauty and it can to engage the senses.

I can name eg. like as Seven Cups Radal National Park. It is located in deepness of mountains and its main attraction is a waterfall where the river fall in cups sculpted by time, filling one a one.

"Laguna Arcoiris" - National Park Conguillio
In the southern, I visited The National Park Conguillio. It has a volcano called Llaima what is active each ten years and it has lush vegetation. 
The icon tree is the Araucaria here, a millenary tree what live from age of dinosaurs. In addition,produce a nut called “Piñón”, the food of mapuche people.

The Fray Jorge National Park is located in the Limari province and it’s characterized for its matinee fogs in hills.

Other parks of my preference: The Moon Valley located in the core Atacama Desert. This place is an arid landscape and no apparent life, with large mountain colorized at the evening, resemble to the moon for craters and rocky soil.

National Park of Chiloé
Besides I go on a visited The Gig Island of Chiloé, a magic insular covered in a unique flora and fauna of its kind. This island is attractive due to its own traditions and customs, all cover-up of legend of the area.

I will visit going to Paine Tower N.P. and Easter Island in a nearer future.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

A game called: “Sketch"



Opening the trunk of memories, I can tell us that I was lucky of got a large family. I have twelve cousins, 7 men and 5 women. We visited a grandma’ house and here we enjoyed of summer evenings. My favourite game was the “Sketch”. I learnt it around of 6 - 8 years old, I don’t remember so well. I never understood why it was called thus until now.



This game can play between 4 until 16 people; it’s dependent of the place to use. It’s based in 1 person/2 people called “quemados” and they have a ball in his/their hands and this ball is launch to other players for marking off and the player “spotted” must take the place of his friend quemado. The other players are keeping in saved in circles drawn in the ground with a common location called “base”. The player to have run between all the spotted zones called “Sketch” for to avoid being “quemados”.  The player win the game when can complete three times a circuit without being marked.
I enjoyed very much this game because I could to do physical activity, it is an outdoor game and I could to share with my family and to laugh so much.

I last played this game in 2002, due to the fact that everyone has already grown.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

The beach of my Town

In the last time I can go to visit the town where I grew.  This town is called “El Palqui” and “la Paloma” was its beach. Even though really it is a big damming located in the heart of “Valle del Limari”. My regards are beautiful because this place was full of life and all around was green and prosperous. The people used this water for all, from to irrigate planting until to drink and take a bath like as beach. I was going to every summer in my infancy and it was called “the beach of the town”.

Ten years later absent while I’ve been in Santiago, I was going to visit to my grandparents and I saw the abrupt change in this summer: The damming is barren because rainless. This locate is a real desert now and it will in this way until the rain get life on the infertile ground.